Sunday, March 10, 2019


AH !!  SUNDAY, a day of rest according to my dad or a Holy day according to the catholic church. Yes you guessed it i was raised a catholic girl and an irish one to boot.  Ah, the infamous attending mass day on Sunday, such a stressful time for me.  According to mom and dad i had to attend mass with them, but the nuns insisted we go to mass with our class. Dad won of course but i had to pay for it on Mondays.  Sister : " why did you not attend mass with your class yesterday young lady?"   Me: " Sister we have discussed this before , my parents want me to go to church with them".  WHACK ! with ruler across hand,  "Don't sass me little missy, you know the rules, mass with your class"  hey that rhymes, i dare not tell her of her poetic rhyme  i knew that metal ruler would smack the other hand if i said that.  Such a dilemma for a child to endure but i put up with it as i did so many other things at the wrath of the nuns.  Believe me during my writings i will discuss these wives of GOD,truthfully  we are all "blessed" due to the fact these creatures are married to him and not some poor mortal man ! Sunday was always a visit to gram's home for dinner, chicken or ham, no variety there unless it was a holiday then a turkey would be thrown in. I loved Sunday's at grams the whole family would gather, aunts, uncles, cousins, friends  a good day !! After dinner and clean-up the  Adults gathered in the kitchen playing card games, having adult beverages, cussing,  swearing and having a good ole' time. we kids were gathered in the living room, playing board games or if it was nice, playing outside. We kids dare not go into the kitchen to "disrupt" the adults unless someone was "bleeding to death" or else !!   During the summer months maybe twice per summer,  we would forego dinner at grams and stop at the infamous " Kentucky Fried Chicken" pick up a bucket of chicken and fixin's and go to the park for a picnic, a real treat for me and my sisters and brother, a great joy for mom, no cooking or having to clean up at grams, of course we would go to grams after our picnic and poor mom would still get stuck helping to clean up. Mom had 10 brothers and sisters so you know we had huge gatherings, but oh the fun we had too.                                                                  Unfortunately these are only wonderful memories now, most of the adults  have passed on and all of us kids are grown with kids of our own and their kids have kids now too. I sure do miss those good ole' days and wish i could go back, but we all know that just will not happen only in our memories can we go back and reminisce about these wonderful times as a child.   I will close for now, you my special reader have yourself a fabulous Holy Day or Day or Rest.  Ta-Ta for now !!            


  1. It's good to see how other kids were raised. Being not Catholic we belonged to a mission church it was the whole Parrish that dined together on Sunday. Glad to read your memories.

  2. oh there will be plenty more to come, come back for more lol
